Website Tools: Education

There's been a handful of times where I found myself, after using a tool for years, seeing someone using it in a unique way. Whether you call it a life hack or just being creative, problem solvers tend to come up with interesting ways to solve unique problems.

On the other hand, sometimes it's just easier to watch someone use the tool, in its intended format, to help us understand the best way to use the tool. In both these circumstances video and your website can be an invaluable tool.

What does this look like? There's no need for an expensive camera because in most cases a smartphone will do the trick. Now obviously, the better the equipment the better the video will be, but if you're just getting started, then something basic will work just fine. Here are some things to consider:

  • Lighting. Make sure that product and the demonstrator are clearly visible and that there aren't any shadows or glares.
  • Sound Quality. A basic pop-filter and a quiet room will drastically improve the sound quality of any video.
  • Setting. Think about where you'll demo the product. Would it work better to be on site or would a practice example work?
  • Script. Writing out what you'll say even if you don't plan to read from the script will help in making the recording run smoother.
  • Voice-over or talk during demo. Decide whether or not you'll talk during the demo or record the voice-over and add it in later.

What to remember: 1.) There's many options to consider when creating a video, but simply getting started means that you got over the biggest hurdle. 2.) The first videos may be great or they may be terrible, but keep at it and learn from the mistakes.