Website Tools: Policies Page

Websites have many great uses and one of those is communicating updates. Keeping people up-to-date on any bit of information can be challenging and policies certainly are no exception. That's where websites come in handy.

What does this look like? Simply create a page that has your company policies and any information that is or should be important to the customer. Having a policies page makes a couple of things easier.

  • One: All you have to do is update the page and then alert the customer through the appropriate channels. The great thing about everything being digital is that now there's no paper copy to print and no envelopes to pack and send out. This method is far more efficient and cost effective.
  • Two: It puts into a play a level of protection and peace of mind. Protection in the sense that you can spell out exactly how you operate. This could be how you charge for unique (or not so unique) products, your delivery process, your return policy, etc. Peace of mind comes in knowing that your customers can't say they didn't know, well they can, but at least you now have a page that you can point them to the next time this happens.

What to remember: Everyone's policy page will look a little different. The important idea here is to make sure that you're company's specific scenarios are covered.