What is accounting?

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) defines accounting as: -the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof.

That's one way to look at accounting. Other ways would be both as an art and a science. Now, I'm not trying to make something out of nothing, I truely mean what I just wrote. Accounting, to me at least, is partially an art because that information is taken and then extrapilated upon. Bussinesses make critical decisions about strategy and planning based on this information and, lets face it, there's not exactly a rule book. On the other hand, accounting involes a lot of rules about how that information is to be organized, which is definitely more science than art.

Regardless of how you define accounting there's one simple fact that cannont be ignored: every owner (and, for many businesses, every supervisor) must have an appropriate clear picture and understanding of the company finances.

What to remember? make sure to aquire the services of a CPA that has your best interest in mind and to also have in-house software that keeps track of every transaction while organizing it in a way that makes sense to you.

WIFI Safety

We talk a lot about safety and that's because, while browsing the web is generally safe, there's a few things that people sometimes take for granted. Such as being in a hotel and just clicking on the guest WIFI. This may not seem like a big issue, but when connecting to a public network there are some things to keep in mind:

  • Don't access sensitive information (i.e. your bank)
  • Don't enter sensitive information (i.e. credit card or social security number)
  • Use a VPN if possible

The reason we make these recommendations is because of how easy it is to be hacked. For instance, at a recent hacker's conference, a group a hackers showed just how easy it is to access someone else's computer. Essentially, they setup a fake guest network at the hotel as a test. Someone was told about that the group was going to try to hack their computer and asked to go about their normal process. They actually logged into the fake network... By the end of the day, the hackers had the persons social security and credit card number, as well as their room number at the hotel.

What does all of this mean? Simply put, be careful and use common sense practices when connecting to the internet.


Secure Sockets Layer. Just in case you were wondering what that acronym in the title meant. This essentially is a technology that secures the connection between your browser and the website that you’re visiting. i.e. when you see https: instead of just simply http: then you can be assured that there's an SSL setup and that the connection is more secure.

What does that really mean?

It means:

  • More Privacy. So, when you're logging into a website, such as your bank, this setup goes the extra step and encrypts that information so that it is transmitted securely.
  • Stops Unauthorized Changes. Basically, no one can change the information during transmission.
  • Authenticity. This setup also requires the web server to essentially prove that it is who it says it is.

Also, a plus to having the SSL setup is that it can actually improve your rankings in the search engine. I wouldn't get the SSL setup for this reason, but it can't hurt.

What to Remember: you want every site to have an SSL setup, but don't even consider entering sensitive information into a site if you don't see https:.

World Backup Day

March 31 was World Backup Day. Backups, as we all know, are critical. But did you know that: 75% of computer users don’t backup properly and 75% of data loss is due to hardware failure or human error (i.e. accidentally deleting a file and not having a backup). Backups have always been critical, but, in the age of ransomware, backups have become even more important. 

Maybe you're asking: “what is ransomware?” Ransomware is simply a virus that attacks and encrypts the data on your computer, rendering it unusable. The creator then requires a “ransom” of hundreds or thousands of dollars to the hackers to get a key to unlock the data.

Some stats:

  • 59% of ransomware infections are delivered via email attachments
  • and
  • 47% of businesses have been affected in some form by ransomware.

So what can you do? Here are six key steps to take in an effort to secure and protect your computer’s data:

  1. Backup: diversify the locations so that the failure of any single point won’t lead to irreversible loss of data.  i.e. physical media (local/offline) Cloud, Dropbox, Carbonite. It’s good to have at least two to three different methods of backup.
  2. Personalize Anti–Spam settings: block .exe, .vbs ,or .scr files
  3. Refrain from opening suspicious attachments: this includes unfamiliar people, notifications from FEDEX, E-commerce, banking, or law enforcement.
    • Look for:
    • improper use of language and misspelling
    • the wrong From: email
  4. Think twice before clicking: dangerous hyperlinks can be received and appear to be from a source that you trust. Remember that you can hover over the link to see where it is actually connecting to, but if you do be very careful to not accidentally click the link.
  5. Show file extensions: this is a native Windows Explorer function. When turned on it shows the true type of file. For example, a file could look like a picture file, but really be an executable file. Clicking on this image, for whatever reason, could open and spread a virus. By turning on Show File Extensions, the system would show that it was an executable (.exe) file.
  6. Patch and keep operating systems and other software up to date

Cloud services can also be used to help mitigate ransomware infections. Cloud services host your data and can offer the ability to separate your email from your data. If your email is local and your data is hosted, then it will be extremely difficult for the ransomware to reach your data. In addition, should that happen, cloud service companies are able to roll back your data to a pre-ransomware condition to get you back up and running quickly.

Using email services like Office 365 can keep your data much safer than on a local PC.

Look into installing ransomware software. There are a number available, but Malwarebytes is one popular product that will look for incoming ransomware attacks.

Nothing is 100 %, but following the steps outlined above and keeping your data properly backed up will make your data much safer.

New Credit Card Enhancement

Most distributors have customers who say something like “Keep my card on file and pay these invoices when I tell you” or “Keep my card on file and pay cylinder rent each month.” If you do this for your customers, then you know how time consuming it can be to process each card individually and then post the payments to their account. An upcoming credit card enhancement will make this part of your payment processing much easier.

The new program will feature an option to identify whether or not a customer wants regular and/or cylinder rent automatically paid with a credit card. When you run the payment program, it will check the customer file and will pay all the open invoices automatically. This includes getting the approval code from the card processor and then creating the cash receipts entry for the paid invoices. The operator doesn't have to request approval on each card nor do they have to create the cash receipt payment.

If your customer wants to pay by credit card, but they want to tell you which invoices to pay, a list of unpaid invoices will display on the screen. You simply check off the invoices they want to pay and then the program does the rest.

Have questions? Let us know by sending us an email


Spyware can take many forms. One of the most obvious are those executable files that come in emails. Of course you never want to open one of those, but what about the ones that aren’t so obvious? What I’m talking about is the banner ads that I refer to as “click bait” or the amazing piece if software that’s going to double your computer’s speed. Is all “click bait” bad or all accessory programs loaded with spyware? No, of course not, but the idea here is to be careful and use common sense. Read the fine print and make sure that there aren’t any boxes checked that you didn’t check yourself (I’ve seen this last one more times that I can remember…). So what do we recommend that you do with this information? Well, there’s a few things that we have recommended in the past and would continue to recommend.

Those are:

  • Don’t open emails or their files unless you know and trust the person or company.
  • Don’t download any software unless you are positive that the source can be trusted (If you need a recommendation, just ask us).
  • If you’re not sure about a particular link, then hover over it with mouse (assuming that you’re on a desktop). The actual location will be shown, in most browsers, in the bottom left-hand corner. This little trick should help you discern whether or not the link is taking you to the location stated.

With all that in mind, don’t be worried about browsing the internet. Use common sense, install spyware/malware protection, and you should be fine.

Top 10 Things To Think About When Migrating To Windows 10

If you haven't heard, Windows 7 is going away. Not today, but in 2020. If you are running Windows 7, you'll definitely want to review the list below for some areas to be thinking about when moving to Windows 10.

  1. Start thinking today about migrating to Windows 10. It's never too soon.
  2. Make a checklist of all the applications that need to be on the new Windows 10 PC. i.e. anti-virus, backup, email, etc.
  3. Determine whether or not the applications can be moved to the new PC or if new versions will need to be purchased.
  4. Make sure that any printers, scanners, etc. are compatible with Windows 10.
  5. Don’t make any assumptions about applications or hardware working with the new Windows 10 PC.
  6. Ensure that there is a verified backup before starting the process.
  7. If you're not using an online (i.e. off-site) backup, consider starting now. They are easy to use, run in the background and are inexpensive.
  8. While making the investment in a new PC, consider adding a second monitor. This makes it possible to move easily between two unrelated or related applications. For example, you could have Billing running on one monitor and Word Processing or email on the other monitor. 
  9. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the new features. 
  10. Lastly, allow plenty of time to move your data, getting everything set up, and learning the features of your new PC.

Surcharges and Product Availability

Do you have an item whose price and/or supply fluctuates? Of course you do, because we all do. Every business has seasons. Supply goes up and down as does demand for a certain product. I was talking to my mechanic recently and he said that he can count on the fact that at the start of the school year and while the fair is in town, business will be slow. Why those times? He doesn't know, but it happens like clock work every year. These are predictable occurrences, but what about the unpredictable occurrences like the US getting hit by multiple major hurricanes? That's why it's good to have systems in place for both the expected and unexpected. Not just a disaster recovery plan, but a plan for the case when, while demand stays the same, supply is dramatically reduced.

Does you current accounting system or the team behind it help to handle these issues?

Are your Profits where they should be?

The economy in many areas of the country is doing pretty good these days. A lot of distributors tell us sales and profits are up year over year. When I hear that, it reminds me of something someone told me years ago, “It's easy to make money when the economy is doing well. It's much more difficult to make money when things are not doing so well.” While business is going well is the perfect time to be examining those critical areas of our businesses that are key to success. One key area is gross profits.

It's easy to look at an Income Statement and see what profits are, but determining why profits are up or down is another story. When profits are not where we want them to be, then we have to ask questions like:

  • Do I have a pricing problem?
  • Do I have a costing problem?
  • Are my sales people discounting too much?  

Where do you go to find this detailed information?

There's a new Login Coming!

There's a new Login coming to the website! Since the launch of the last website we've had the Client Login, but only with the basic one password for everyone. The new setup will make it possible for everyone to have their own username and password. On top of that you'll be able to access a user portal with your information. Since this does happen unfortunately, if you forget your password, then you'll simply go to the login screen and click the button that reads Forgot? underneath the password field. This prompt will then send your password to the email on file (so don't forget which email that you use to login). It's not live just yet, but will be very soon. Look for an email in the near future for further instructions on how to sign up!


Thinking About a SmartLock For Your Door?

The “Internet of Things” is all the rage these days. Everybody wants to be connected to the internet for convenience and having a lock for your door that you can lock and unlock remotely seems like a good idea. However, there's something to consider before you rush to your computer and order that door lock that lets you open it using your smart phone. Think about this, computer manufacturers struggle constantly with malware and viruses that attack and compromise PCs. This continues to happen even though PCs have been around for a long time. If PC manufacturers struggle in making their products safe, do you really want to worry about someone using software to hack your front door lock? We're not telling you not to make the purchase, just to do your research and due diligence before rushing out to buy that new fancy software based door lock. After a little bit of digging into the reviews, that “old fashioned” door key may look more appealing to you.

Are you hoarding files?

Harddrive space is cheap. I don't know how many times I've heard this statement. It's true, but there's something that should be added. Just because it's cheap doesn't mean that it’s wise to hoard every file ever made. Occasionally we should all think about purging some of those old files. I’m not suggesting that you get rid of everything, just the ones that are completely unnecessary and, of course, hold onto the tax and accounting files. Regardless, when a drive gets overrun, it can make files difficult to find and in turn cause the seeker to waste valuable time. In an effort to be more efficient, keep the folders simple and the names strategic. Names with an appropriate title, i.e. date-department-content, can be searched for through the search bar instead of scrolling through endless files hoping that you'll see that one particular file. And, if files are named in this manner, then chances are that you won't even need all those extra folders. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel welcome to send those our way!

WIFI Issues?

Is your WIFI a little slow? It happens. Sometimes because there's too many people on the network or maybe it's for some unexplainable reason. While we can't stop all the issues, there are things that can be done for some marginal speed gains or even possibly some major speed improvements.

A couple of those things are:

  • Update your router. This could mean actually replacing the router itself or updating the firmware.
  • Look for things that might be interfering with the signal. Believe it or not this includes not just that cordless phone but also the microwave... Put some distance between these devices.
  • Of course, it may be as simple as your internet speed being too slow, which unfortunately means a call to your service provider.

While nothing is full proof, these options are a start and can help to improve the quality of the WIFI within your building.

Emailing Invoices

Recently we wrote about being more efficient. Now we’re back at it with another tip.

Tip: Emailing invoices is a great way to save money and become more efficient.

First off, it saves paper and in this day and age we should all be working toward that mentality.

Secondly, it saves money. No more paper for invoices, people spending time printing those invoices, wear and tear on the printer, which then incurs cost. It also means no more purchasing and stuffing those envelopes, which saves time and materials.

Also, keep in mind while one stamp is relatively inexpensive, the cost of a thousand can add up very quickly.

On the other hand, our accounting software Cyltech can process the invoices for you. With a little bit of setup, daily and rental invoices as well as statements can be automatically sent with out anyone having to lift a finger or even remember to do it for that matter.

Have questions or suggestions? Let us know by sending an email!


Recently I was at a youth camp that has a philosophy of no-debt, a bare-bones crew, and to be as efficient as possible. The no-debt aspect was impressive given that the last building cost over 10 million. The bare-bones crew was in order to be able to offer more amenities, which they did. What this means is that the youth at the camp have to "pull their weight". Instead of having a large kitchen staff, the youth serve each other and they all clean up. At the end of the week, the youth tidy up the cabin and basically take on a philosophy of leave it like you found it. They also did things like automatic lights. They come on when you walk in and after a period of inactivity, they turn off. In talking to one of the leaders, they said that they always try to learn from other camps, listen to the problems that they have experienced, and then try to improve how they operate. This mentality of being more efficient, planned, streamlined, focused, and open-minded could save a company in the long run. As the year progresses on, try to think of ways that you can improve operations and create a better foundation for the company.


We never stop talking about passwords and that’s because they are so important. There’s a couple of things that we would like to review about passwords and how they should be setup.

1. Don’t create a password that is too short or too simple
This should be obvious… password, 123546, your name, your birthday, etc. are not secure passwords. Hackers are going to run the simplest combinations and most obvious words first. The password should be meaningful to you, but, when you create this password, remember to add in things like special characters with your letters and numbers. For example: use the @ symbol instead of the letter A or an exclamation point ( ! ) instead of an L.

2. Never changing passwords or changing them too often
This is a double edged sword. Never changing your password isn’t good, but on the reverse, changing your password too often can also have negative side effects. For example, if you haven’t changed your password in two years, especially if it’s something like your Netflix account, then it’s definitely time. Why? Because, most people don’t type those passwords in, they’re just saved and when they’re saved they tend to be forgotten. On the flip side, changing passwords too often, statistically speaking, will cause most people to use a less secure password. This might be because people don’t want to be creative when the password is created or they’re just tired of changing the password and simply don’t care anymore. With that in mind, just remember that multiple years is too long but every month is probably too often…

Have questions or suggestions? Let us know by sending an email or simply responding to this email!

September Training Class

Whether it's through reading, watching videos, or any other method, we should always be learning. Doing so helps us to keep up to date, to find new ideas, solve problems, and invest in our futures. Something that I've seen repeated time after time, is that many of the most successful people throughout history were avid readers. These leaders didn't just read about one subject either, but instead read a wide assortment of topics. They were always trying to expand their knowledge. If expanding your knowledge is something you are interested in, we still have some seats available for our training class in September. The class is in Dallas, Tx (not a bad place to visit) and it's on September 19th and 20th. Outside of all the great information that you'll learn, there will also be time to talk with other distributors, to brainstorm new ideas and talk about creative solutions for problems that you're currently facing. To see all we have to offer in these sessions, click here: Training Class. If you're already hooked and would like to sign up, contact Andi either by phone or email.